
 A health care professional must perform a physical examination and laboratory test to check for Trichomoniasis positive. 

For a woman, an examination on her vagina is a must.  If the vaginal discharge is clear, then it is normal but when it is yellow- greenish color Trichomoniasis might be suspected. Further examinations for abnormal or foul odor are run, using Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) a.k.a “whiff test”. The acidity of the urine is checked for a positive result of Trichomoniasis.

Several tests are conducted if Trichomoniasis is suspected; diagnostic methods can range from simple visual microscopic detection to complicated DNA analysis. 

Examples of further examinations:

  •  Wet mount
  • Culture/In Pouch TV (BioMed Diagnostics)
  • Affrim VPIII Microbial ID
  • OSOM Trichomoniasis Rapid Testing
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction
  • Pap smear

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